The Epicurious Wanderers!

Simbambili – day three evening drive

Last nights game drive was fairly quiet, we saw the usual impala and warthog as well as an amazing array of birds. A leopard was spotted by another group moving towards the river so we went on the hunt.

After a bit if driving we pulled over for drinks, there is something amazing sipping scotch under the African sky. It was the first really clear night and the stars came out to greet us. We miss so many in the cities due to light pollution, but out here they are like a glittering carpet in the sky. While having a relief stop behind the landrover I hear noises from in the scrub, nothing makes you finish faster than the thought a leopard is on the way….. Turns out it was hippos from in the dam about 500m away, not quite is bad..

While having our break we heard another group had spotted the leopard, unfortunately we were on the wrong side of the river and the road was really bad. No 100kmh drive this time. As we headed back though in the dark we did encounter a group of elephants who were a little upset by our presence. We had to stop and turn of the vehicle as they were standing on the road and didn’t seem to want to move. We didn’t want to upset them and have them charge at us. It gave Liam a chance to distract us with his knowledge of the stars. Is there nothing out here he doesn’t know.

After that the drive back was quiet and we then settled in to dinner under the stars with an open fire. Amazing