The Epicurious Wanderers!

Peru here we come!

Well our 2016 adventure looks like it is now locked in, Peru here we come!  After some searching and looking at flight schedules we’ve booked Peregrines Best of Peru tour for July 2016.  The plan is to fly into Lima a few days before the tour starts and explore the city ourselves while getting over any jet lag and adjusting to altitude.  Then we have 19 days of touring before we stop in Santiago, Chile for 3 days on way home to again do some solo exploring.

The easiest way to explain the trip is to borrow from Peregrine themselves: Peru’s history and geography read like myth and fable: earth’s most mysterious figures in the Nazca desert; the world’s deepest canyon; volcanoes guarding cities and a gigantic lake halfway to heaven. On top of all that is the incomparable Sacred Valley, the heartland of Incan culture and home to Peru’s finest monuments and relics from the ancient world. Exploring Cusco then setting off along Incan pathways is a must for all who want to experience the full magic of the region, both to appreciate the quiet splendour of the mountains, and the full power of Machu Picchu, rearing up suddenly on a hidden peak deep in the countless folds of the Andes. Lake Titicaca’s combination of stunning scenery, intense colours and intriguing customs makes it a favourite of many who travel in the region, while La Paz’s striking streets and vivacious culture is a vibrant finale to our adventure. 

Best of Peru map

Best of Peru map

This is a once in a lifetime trip.  Machu Picchu is somewhere we never really thought we’d see for ourselves.

Looking forward to this one, although it does mean no other trips until then.  That’s quite scary for us, over 12 months before our next holiday, well unless something good comes along……